Fashion Forward
It is easy to criticise the industry in the Middle East, but the time to pelt stones at the industry is long gone. Empires have been built on the foundation of the 15% commission. What can change that?
How could an agency compete with factories offering off-the-shelf solutions that are cheaper, standardised and quicker than anything we could put together? We decided to game the system.
My lessons from the alarmingly inspiring Designyatra -- bridging the divide between the irrelevance of design as a concept, and it's real global impact.
This city called Dubai has gone from being an incubator of 'small ideas' that can grow 'big' to one that supports 'big ideas' that can grow even 'bigger.' But there is hope.
The rise of Facebook & Twitter re-establishes (like AOL in the 1990's and Microsoft and Nokia in the 2000's) how real power eventually settles with gatekeepers of information.
Originally published on The Huffington Post as part of a collaborative snapshot of the UAE in 2010. Fellow contributors include Hisham Wyne, Sultan Saood Al Qassemi, Paul Castle and Hind Shoufani.
Dubai: 2020. Another decade is quickly unraveling. In contrast to popular lore, the city has begun charting an unprecedented course--one of unified resurgence.
The need to course-correct business decisions with agility, has made decision makers rely almost entirely on 'analytics,' without necessarily leading off into the hard stuff -- the decisions.