Danish is a Dubai-raised investor, FILMMAKER, speaker, sailor & father.

Crowded Urban Spaces Challenge 2016

Crowded Urban Spaces Challenge 2016

Hult Prize 2016 at AUS

President Bill Clinton will announce the 7th Annual Hult Prize Challenge live in New York at the CGI on September 29 at the closing plenary. Last year, thousands of university students worldwide teamed up to create start-ups aimed at solving an issue faced by billions in need. American University of Sharjah invited Xische founder Danish Farhan to serve on the jury, together with other regional leaders Anas Bukhash, Marwan Bin Sarkal, Dr Raymond Hamden, and Essa Al Zaabi.

Link to event website.

How the Snapchat Generation Finds Travel Inspiration

How the Snapchat Generation Finds Travel Inspiration

Discovering Your Core Purpose

Discovering Your Core Purpose